My Evening with Arnold Schwarzenegger (Part 2)

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In part one of my story I explained how I made a last-minute decision to attend An Evening with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I worked my way into the VIP area where I was left to mingle.

Working the floor

So, I moved from one person to another, I was armed with business cards and I worked that floor. Handing out cards and introducing my services. I kept an eye on the security team who had now lost me in the crowd. I was sipping Orange juice and meeting great people in the industry from sports, entertainment and media.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: The Oak

Am I busted

I started to relax a little bit when suddenly from behind me a gentleman tugged at my arm…

“Please come with me” he said. I feared I had been found out and was about to be ejected out of the event. I was escorted to the side of the room and presented to a gentleman with a “rock n roll” like appearance.

Meeting with Rocco

His name was Rocco and he was the main producer of the event… Rocco Buonvino Productions presents An Evening with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“I will sort your request to meet with Arnold, just give me some time.” he said and before I could say anything he vanished.

I was now confident that my contacts had connected with Arnold’s management and everything was sorted.

My dream was coming through

I WAS FINALLY GOING TO MEET ARNOLD!!! – one of my all-time heroes, could this really be happening?

Then I started checking my phone to look for emails and texts that I had sent out to set up my meeting. The signal was weak, and I couldn’t connect.

I looked at my watch. The event was to start at 8.00pm and it was approaching 7.30pm. I was thinking when this will happen.  A part of me thinking will this ever happen.

Then a voice filled the room through the PA system, ‘Arnold has now arrived, and the event will commence at 8.00pm. VIPs can you all meet back here at 10.00pm for a private meeting. ‘

I still had doubts

This now made me think, maybe they have forgotten about me. I was thinking shall I present myself to the security team or shall I wait?

Then I started thinking, what am I even doing here? How the hell have I got here?

By Kumel Heer, e4k Head of Sales

We will continue the story in part 3 in February

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