Posted on: 22nd Oct, 2019 EchoNews is a newsagent delivery software for newspaper deliveries designed to manage the distribution and delivery of daily, weekly and monthly, newspapers and magazines. Whether you are delivering to a home or distributing to other retailers, EchoNews is an easy and flexible system that helps you determine what your requirements are for each publication that you are distributing, ensuring all your deliveries are accurate and clear. Save time & money The aim of the software is to provide an efficient and cost-effective way for newsagents to process and manage the daily distribution of the newspapers, all from one software solution to support their newspaper deliveries. By using EchoNews you can reduce the daily paperwork you complete and save yourself time. Manage your paper round deliveries through our fully integrated system and plan ahead for each day. Our automated invoice process will make your monthly or weekly invoicing process easier and faster, eliminating any mistakes due to human error and manual data entry, meaning you are able to track the full payment cycle. With this automated function, your confidence can be instilled that the data is error-free. Flexibility & control for newspaper deliveries Increase your customer base by adding an unlimited amount of customer subscription accounts to the system and manage each one individually based on their preferences. You can set deliveries to fall on set days of the week or specific dates. Payments can be easily managed by sending invoices with messages when an account has an overdue balance. With our “stop/restart” feature you can highlight when deliveries need to be put on hold for a customer and when they can be restarted – ideal for when a customer is on holiday! Strategically plan each delivery route your agent takes and speed up paper round by prepping the route they take in advance. You can optimize each route considering the number of stops that need to be made, specific delivery requirements and by area maximizing your efficiencies and revenue. Using our extensive range of reports available you can analyse which publications are your best sellers. Utilizing these reports, you can make sure you are not holding any additional stock. EchoNews software offers all the tools any distributor needs for managing the activity of publication distribution. Key Features of EchoNews: Rounds Rota management Prepare and manage rounds by the delivery agent Monthly invoices and statements Generate monthly invoices and statements for customers Vouchers Handle vouchers covering the paper cost automatically Holiday Stops / Starts Amend delivery distribution times at any time upon requests. News and Magazine Manage publication by adding and cancelling publications at any time Reports Run a range of reports such as delivery by agent, customer spend and debtors Read more on our Echonews Newsagent Delivery Software page. Get in touch today for more information or to book your free demonstration: 0121 66 66 534 or email